The Dutch post war recovery was financed by Indonesia​

A classic Dutch tale of fraud, theft, extortion and genocide 

Presentation and research by 
 Foundation Majority perspective 

Christa Soeters 
Michael van Zeijl 

Rogier Meijerink 

At Seminar Colonial Legacies Today: Indonesia and the Netherlands
On Saturday 18th of May 2019 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The main document referred to in this presentation is a memorandum by Indonesia Policy Affairs Directorate on 18th of May 1956. This document can be found in the national archive in The Hague. Its archive reference is: NL-HaNA, Buitenlandse Zaken / Code-Archief 55-64, 2.05.118, 9339, deel 1, d.d. 18 may 1956

In this document there is a reference to the Indonesian calculations of the costs of the agresi militer belanda as it was brought forward at the round table conference in 1949. This document can be found at the same achieve, reference: NL-HaNA, Delegatie RTC Indonesië, 2.10.40, 10, doos 10, C.C.0.2e, d.d. 10 oktober 1949

A very insightful document is one were instructions are given tot the Dutch negotiators at the Development Assistance Committee on 26th of July 1963.

When Indonesia in 1953 comes to an agreement with Japan on post war reparations, the Dutch claim double the amount from Indonesia. This while the Dutch already renounced their claims by the san Francisco treaty. NL-HaNA, Buitenlandse Zaken / Code-Archief 45-54, 2.05.117, 10404, d.d. 24 november 1953

The Dutch, at the time of the Wassenaar treaty, masquerade as forthcoming then they at long last drop their artificial claims: NL-HaNA, Ambassade Indonesië 1962-1974, 2.05.188, 267, d.d 10 augustus 1966

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